Want to learn DEEPWORK? Start today.

DEEPWORK is a holistic functional training

If you want a 1-to-1 session, schedule an appointment with me below.


The entire human musculoskeletal system ‘only’ functions as a unified system, consisting of muscles, ligaments, tendons, internal organs and ultimately, very importantly, the emotions and individual motivation of humans. In a holistic training approach it is important to transform all these aspects and elements into movement sequences and exercises, to better optimise and coordinate them! The person is always viewed as a ‘whole’, and thus trains at a physical and psychological level to achieve success (results). This is DEEPWORK training.


Learn about DEEPWORK

Polarities of Yin & Yang

DEEPWORK is the answer to feeling your inner spirit – to meeting your limits and to seeing them without prejudice.

DEEPWORK is a functional cardiovascular full-body workout based on the principle of polarization (Yin and Yang). Every movement contains a tension and a relaxation phase.

The program is about creating harmony between opposites. During the entire training unit, dynamic movements and static holding positions, cardiovascular exercises and functional strength exercises alternate continuously. The aim is to learn how the body functions fully in every dimension.


Learn about DEEPWORK

Cardio & Functional Strength Exercises

DEEPWORK combines challenging cardio and strength sequences with integrated jumping power!

And what is so special about DEEPWORK is that each exercise sequence is designed in such a way that the building up of strength, coordination and breathing are trained at the same time and both men and women, competitive and recreational athletes, using your own body weight and gravity to find the polarity in the sequence of movements.

Whatever your training goals, you can achieve them with DEEPWORK!


Learn about DEEPWORK

Become a DEEPWORK Instructor

If you want to become a DEEPWORK instructor, visit BODYART School Romania.

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