Featured services

BODYART Training

Holistic Functional Training based on the 5 Elements of TCM


Cardio & Strength Training working with the Polarities of Yin & Yang

WARRIOR V Dance Workout

Dance workout focused on Physical, Mental & Emotional Release

“The moment I return to my breath, I return to myself.”

“The moment I return to my breath, I return to myself.”

The BalancedBody holistic workouts will teach you to return to the roots of yourself and to become a better version.


Holistic functional training inspired by the TCM

BODYART training

BODYART is a holistic functional training performed barefoot on the mat, which has its root in the 5 Elements of the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine): Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal, Water.

BODYART is a perfect balance between multiple qualities: strength, flexibility, dance & martial arts, therapy and breathing techniques.

The BODYART Training always focuses on the wholeness of body, mind and soul, without any spiritual or religious background.


Cardio & Strength Training

DEEPWORK training

The entire human musculoskeletal system ‘only’ functions as a unified system, consisting of muscles, ligaments, tendons, internal organs and ultimately, very importantly, the emotions and individual motivation of humans.

In a holistic training approach it is important to transform all these aspects and elements into movement sequences and exercises, to better optimise and coordinate them!

The person is always viewed as a ‘whole’, and thus trains at a physical and psychological level to achieve success (results). This is DEEPWORK training.

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Dancing for Physical, Mental & Emotional Release

WARRIOR V Dance Workouts

WARRIOR V is a unique workout dance concept by Robert Steinbacher. Like all of his concepts, WARRIOR V is based on the principles and characters of the 5 elements and also gives the program the name – WARRIOR V (5) – warrior in a peaceful mission for body, mind and soul.

Together with the professional dancers of the New York Broadway Dance Center, including Ryan Daniel Beck, Robert developed this energetic workout with dance elements.

Why dance elements? Because Robert believes that there is a small or large dancer in everyone and that he wants to go back to his roots with his dancer heart. His idea is to combine group fitness workout and dance technique training with each other and to work out the “dancing” in levels more and more.


5 Element Ancient Medical Qigong

Qigong Classes

Qigong is a system of knowledge that comprises at least 5,000 years of human evolution and covers all the fields of human interest.

As for the definition, it is officially known in China as the science of human potential and development. There are many styles of Qigong available so it is important to understand what makes our style unique.

White Tiger Qigong are Taoist Qigong exercises that harmonize the body, breath and mind. White Tiger  specializes in extremely dynamic Qigong exercises known well in Wuyi Mountain and Wudang Mountain but has very little exposure in the West. Specialties include longevity & medical Qigong, breathing techniques, meditation, and Qigong based martial arts.

Home workouts for Everybody